Enterprise Android Vs iOS: Which is More Secure?

Android Vs iOS

Android vs iOS security. Two of the most favorite mobile operating system in the world. Whenever you see a person with a smartphone, either he is using an Android phone or an iOS. Although the number of Android users are on the top list according to the survey. Because android phone is much cheaper than Apple’s iOS devices. However, both of them are facing massive security issues. Now everyone is questioning which one is much safer? And which one has the toughest security shield? These questions are waging an endless argument regarding iOS vs Android security topic. Here we will discuss which operating system is much safer with technically acceptable logic. Hopefully, the argument of iOS security vs android will be minimized a little.

Android vs iOS security for the Enterprise

Android vs iOS security is already a popular topic to us. But there are some inner discussions that show us which is more user-friendly and secured for the sake of business. So, let’s check out!



Usability is the most crucial part of both operation systems if you look into the deep. In this case, Android is much easier to use than iOS. However, iOS is yet very comfortable for many people. So, mixed reviews are coming from a different part.



Regarding security, there are some mixed thoughts too. Some say Android has the strongest security shield and other say iOS is secured. However, in the argument of iOS security vs android, some recent Android security issues have brought the operating system to the risky line. Google play store has become an open market of malware apps. On the other hand, iPhone always ensures the perfect security for the users. It is not that easy to break into iPhone for its strong iPhone security settings. In this case, iPhone takes the floor.



Android is cheaper and a lot easier to manage. Therefore, many people claimed that Android is the perfect ride for the business. iPhone users are also satisfied with the enterprise usage of the device. The higher price is the only drawback iPhone device currently has. But still, the number of iPhone users are not low but increasing every year.

Android vs. iOS security has become the talk of the generation now. In some area, Android beats other operating systems, and likely iPhone is also doing the same. Though the Android security issues are increasing. But there is nothing to worry about. Because many experts are sharing their useful Android security tips for us. So, it’s up to the users whichever they choose. But the question remains unanswered. Well, iOS security vs android? Which one is best? Maybe the Android or maybe the iOS.

Now, you decide. In both cases, you cannot stay safe if you don’t know how to use your device properly. Want to learn? Read about the internet security tips and cyber security tips.