The reliance on technology is boosting up. The threats are also going accordingly. What else may we face in the run? Well, there are different types of cyber attack that can break your device security and can destroy all the data you reserved. Some cyber attacks are so dangerous that even an enterprise can be shut down. Cyber attack is only dangerous when a cybercriminal intentionally wants to get into someone’s security system. Here we will talk about all types of cyber threats and vulnerabilities, categories of cyber attacks and much more.
Knowing your enemy is always the most recommended thing. In that case, knowing their actions and intentions, next time, you will know how to immediately react, but the best way is to prevent the damage. There are a lot of sources of the internet security tips over the web, but you can find everything you need here. So, here we start.
List of Types of Cyber Attacks
Starting with the malware. So, what is malware? Malware is the short form of malicious software. Malware can be classified as the computer virus, Trojan, and Worm. Malware can capture your device once it’s active, it can steal and destroy information. Malware spreads through email attachments, online sites, downloaded files, software and weak operating system. So, how to prevent it? Well, you can use anti-virus or antimalware tools for your device as a preventive measure. Malware can attack your smartphone too. So, you can also use antimalware tools for your smartphone.
Those who know about cyber attacks, also know what phishing is. Phishing is a very disturbing and one of the most dangerous cyber threats of all time. The sole purpose if phishing is to fool the victim and to steal all the confidential information such as address, bank account, password, card number and so on. Phishing spreads via email or even phone calls. If you still aren’t really sure how it can access any device, I would highly recommend you to get known with the cyber security tips which will learn you a lot and enable you a good night sleep. The hacker will send a fake link or webpage of your bank or any other companies or a person you know. When you’ll click on the link, or you’ll provide the information. You’re under the complete mess. Maybe a ransomware will take over your device or something else. So, many anti-virus tools provide anti-scamming and anti-phishing facilities.
Password Attack
Hackers don’t need any email messaging, code or fake links to make this attack. They can do it by cracking your password. Hackers will use any specific password cracking tool to initiate this attack. They will combine words, number and other codes to break down any password. Most of the time brute force attack helps a hacker to gain any password. So, always try to keep a complicated password such as the alphanumeric password with upper and lower case letter. It’s quite tough to crack.
DoS or Denial of Service
DoS attack is mainly used to disrupt the network connection. The attacker will keep sending the high volume of data or lots of connection request to make the network overloaded. DoS attack can make the service of a network dysfunctional. To prevent this attack, your service provider must have some plans to resolve the problem. Anyone can fall victim to this attack.
Man in the Middle
MITM or the Man in the middle is the method by which a hacker will be able to impersonate the endpoint connection between you and a website or a server. A hacker can obtain any personal information such as messages, personal conversations, files, sensitive data and much more. To prevent this attack, you must update all the software and operating system on your device.
Malvertisement means malicious advertisement on the internet. Hackers put some malicious code inside the ad, and when you click on the malicious ad, the malware inside will start to download itself to your device. Malvertising attack can do serious harm to your device. Ignore any disturbing, useless and unauthorized ad.
Drive-by Download
You can face this problem just by visiting a website! An unusual download will start automatically even without an action by the users. Malware will be installed on your device, and you know what will happen next. So, keep your software and operating systems updated.
Rogue Software
This one kind of phishing technique. Some unauthorized company will create some useful software, and they will put some malware inside. Let’s make it clear, a malware masquerading as the software you use or you know is safe. So, do not buy any software from unauthorized dealers or vendors.