Before we start talking about the intrusion, we need to know about it briefly. So, what is the intrusion? Well, the intrusion is an act of an intruder. So, far we know what an intruder does. An intruder can gain access to the property belongs to another person. An intruder can do harm to anybody or anything. Such acts of an intruder are called intrusion. Those intruders are otherwise known as the hacker. A hacker can infiltrate your PC or smartphone and can steal or corrupt any data in it. This what you can call cyber intrusion.
Now a question comes first. How can cyber intrusion takes place?
A hacker will send a malware to your PC via mail or even through the internet. When you receive and open the malware file, from the very moment, your PC will get vulnerable. That malware will enter into your device and will start collecting all the targeted information and will transfer them back to the hackers. You will not even notice anything. That is why you need to know to recognize such emails and spams by following the recommended internet security tips!
But the good news is, cyber intrusion detection system(IDS) is now available. It’s the system by which you can detect all the possible intrusions which are done by cyber intruders or hackers. Intrusion detection system can identify any further threats, this system can analyze any suspicious patterns on your device, can monitor all the movements and process of any illicit entity, can even track the privacy policy violation. There are three particular types of intrusion detection systems are currently available.
Three kind of Cyber Intrusions Detection Systems
IDS or intrusions detection system can be categorized in the ways. These are:
Network-based IDS
Host-based IDS
On the other hand, network-based IDS can identify any malicious and abnormal attempts created by the cyber criminals through the network. Network IDS will detect any illicit and suspicious web traffic. So, network IDS is a very useful stuff to ensure the highest security of your personal device.
Host Based
HIDS or host-based intrusion detection system can identify any malicious and abnormal pieces of stuff on your device. If there is any visible malware or infected files on your PC, HIDS will detect them very fast and will notify the victim or the owner of the device. On the other hand, Tripwire, AIDE(Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment) and Prelude Hybrid IDS are some of the host-based intrusion systems.
The following intrusion detection system will detect any further threat made by physically. Devices like the security camera, firewall, any card or biometric-based access control systems, man traps can detect such intrusions. These devices can also be used as the intrusion prevention option.
Recent Attacks
In the month of July in this year, USA faced a massive network intrusion attacks. The Obama administration unconcealed that 21.5 million individuals were sweptwing up in a very stupendous breach of government computer systems that was much more damaging than ab initio thought, leading to the thieving of an enormous trove of private data, as well as social insurance numbers and a few fingerprints.
Those cyber criminals stole many sensitive data like personal addresses, health and all the financial history, and different personal details, from 19.7 million those who had been subjected to a government background check, likewise as 1.8 million others, together with their spouses and friends. In 2014, a health insurance company called Primera Blue Cross situated in Washington was attacked by cyber intruders. According to them, hackers somehow managed to gain access to their computer systems. F.B.I and a cyber security firm were working to investigate.
Sony Pictures, one of the largest film production company also faced a massive cyber intrusion attack that cost them a huge loss of sensitive data from their systems in 2014. The scenario caused them immediate cancellation of the release the movie “The Interview”.
Cyber Intrusion Prevention Systems
IPS or Intrusions Prevention Systems is able to prevent any further threats. This is the second step of the IDPS(Intrusion detection and prevention system). After the screening process, the IPS will take immediate action to block, stop or report any malicious threats.
The intrusion prevention system monitors the network traffic to see any suspicious activities done by the cyber intruders. To be very specific, an IPS can take an action to block or stop any intrusions by sending an alarm or warning message to the victim.
There are four different types of Intrusions Prevention Systems are available.
Network-based Prevention Systems or NIPS.
Wireless-based Prevention Systems or WIPS.
Network Behavior Analysis.
Host-based Intrusion Prevention or HIPS.
NIPS: This system can monitor any malicious traffic by analyzing protocol activities. It can check the whole range of the network.
WIPS: This system is designed to monitor and monitors the wireless network for any threat. It can identify any further malicious errors and take immediate steps too.
NBA: Network behavior analysis or NBA is such prevention system that can monitor the entire network traffic and can also detect any malware and threats.
HIPS: HIPS comes as a package of installed software. HIPS can control any host for any threats and can immediately identify them.
Recent developed Intrusions Prevention System is known as the Next-Generation Intrusions Prevention System, shortly known as NGIPS. Hence, this the most advanced intrusion prevention system that can be used as the strongest and toughest shield to prevent or stop any cyber intrusions. So let’s talk about this one now.
Next-Gen Intrusions Prevention System
However, NGIPS is the recently developed intrusions prevention system that can protect you from any highly advanced threat. So this new regime has its deep packet inspection ability, reputation risk identification, highly advanced malware analysis capacity and highly enhanced security.
Some major workforce of NGIPS:
It can detect real-time or in line threats.
It has the cutting-edge threat intelligence technology. So, no matter how bigger the threat is, NGIPS can handle it.
It can maximize the security for you. In that case, the latest threat intelligence will identify any risks and will take an immediate step for remediation.
NGIPS can ensure the first-class security for both physical and virtual area if required.
So far, this article has covered all the major area related to the Intrusions Detection System and Intrusions Prevention System simultaneously. Hopefully, now you have a basic but yet in-depth idea of IDS and IPS both. There are many best-selling IDS, and IPS are available in the market.
McAfee network security, CISCO IPS, Sourcefire IPS, HP Tripping Point IPS, Checkpoint IPS Software Blade and much more. You better choose the best IPS/IDS for your systems.
Hopefully, this article will help you in the long run. So, try to do some research about IPS and IDS and Get some advice from the expert and take a wise decision and make a better choice. Follow the cyber security tips!